Global Course is a university program. The focus of Global Course is on Global Sustainable Development. Students and professionals of international organizations/companies receiving our newsletter can apply to participate. Participants obtain the Global Course Certificate. The application process runs on a rolling basis.

Apply via Telegram to iuventum or by E-Mail to info(a)iuventum.org

Schedule | Concept [pdf]

Internet Sessions
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Global Leadership
Global Entrepreneurship
Business, Economy and Sustainability
Society and Environment

What is Global Education? [pdf]

Global Course: What is it?

Global Course is a university program on Global Sustainable Development. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) means education that enables people to foresee, face up to and solve the problems that threaten life on our planet, and that highlights the complexity and interdependence of three spheres, the environment, society and economy. (Source: UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

What to get out of it?

  • Global competence: Know more about the present and the foreseeable future of our world
  • Global entrepreneurship: Explore ESD issues with an economic and entrepreneurial perspective
  • Global leadership: Improve leadership skills for the future
  • Take the Global Course Certificate for professional purposes

How to get involved?

  • Eligibility: Students and professionals of international organizations/companies receiving our newsletter can apply to participate. Participants obtain the Global Course Certificate, grading is based on written assignments as follows; A+: 90-100, A: 85-89, A-: 80-84, B+: 77-79, B: 73-76, B-: 70-72, C+: 67-69, C: 63-66, C-: 60-62, D+: 57-59, D: 53-56, D-: 50-52, E: -49%. The Global Course Certificate can be used for professional purposes.
  • Language: English. To prove English proficiency, international applicants can supplement their application by submitting an official TOEFL score report via ETS. The ETS code of iuventum is 6407.
  • Mode of Study: Correspondence education and self-paced study via Internet.
  • Internet Sessions and Certificate: Participants are required to follow 4 Internet Sessions on (1) Global Leadership; (2) Global Entrepreneurship; (3) Business, Economy and Sustainability; (4) Society and Environment; and to submit 4 assignments. Submission and main correspondence is by e-mail. Usually participants can expect to receive their study guidelines by e-mail within 4 days after enrollment and to receive their Global Course Certificate by mail within 4 weeks after final assignment completion.
  • Enrollment: The total fee is €1600 for enrollment in the Global Course Internet Sessions. 100% of the fee will be charged in case of cancellation. Application and fee transfer will be confirmed for enrollment.